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Argon Peduli's Health Screenings Aim to Prevent Chronic Diseases in Bekasi City

PT Anugrah Argon Medica (AAM) through Argon Peduli, drive preventive and promotive health efforts for the community with a social service event on Saturday, July 20, 2024, in Duren Jaya Village, Bekasi City, West Java.

The social service event, in collaboration with Dharma Dexa, included chronic disease health screenings and free medical treatment for hundreds of attendees. Residents who underwent health screenings also received donations of staple food items.

Present at the event were PT Medela Potentia’s Human Resources Director, Mrs. Nancy Kartika; AAM Bekasi Branch Manager, Mr. Steve Nova Wibowo; Dharma Dexa Manager, Mr. Bangun Mugihantoro; along with representatives from Argon Peduli and volunteer teams.

The social activity encompassed three main examinations: blood pressure, random blood sugar, and cholesterol. These were conducted in three stages: initial health screenings, health consultations with doctors, and education along with necessary medications based on complaints.

“This health screening is a form of the company's 'deal with care' commitment to the community. We hope it benefits public health,” said Mrs. Nancy Kartika.

Mr. Steve Nova Wibowo added that AAM is always committed to contributing to the surrounding community. “Previously in the Bekasi area, AAM conducted child donation education and flood pump donations. Mass medical treatment remains AAM's commitment to actively improving community health around the company,” he added.

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