PT. Anugrah Argon Medica, one of Indonesia's pharmaceutical distribution firms, participated in the "Training of Trainers Vaccine, Well Trained Pharmacist in National Vaccination Program" via Zoom on Wednesday, December 23, 2020, with 518 other participants.
Mrs. Sulviria, AAM's Quality Assurance Manager, spoke on the topic of "Handling Vaccines in PBF." Mrs. Sulviria conveyed numerous topics relating to the Technical Handling of Vaccines at PBF on this occasion, including:
Cold chain products are handled in the same way as other products at PBF, but there are additional particular needs in the form of temperature guarantee beginning with the product being received, stored, and distributed to the client.
The PBF must guarantee that all individuals responsible for special responsibilities in the handling of this product have received proper training.
The storage facilities in the PBF warehouse must also be qualified and that the relevant qualification, validation, and calibration processes are carried out.
PBF must have a routine maintenance program for existing facilities.
Participants appeared enthusiastic and excited in participating in Ms. Sulviria's presentation, as evidenced by the many questions asked during the discussion session, including how to handle vaccines while in the distributor warehouse and when transportation reaches the customer, handling qualifications and validation to ensure that the temperature is maintained for vaccine storage and distribution, handling training for personnel directly involved in vaccine handling, and handling training for personnel directly involved in vaccine handling.