Corporate News – In 2021, AAM will once again host AKAR Online events or Anugrah Argon Medica Knowledge Sharing for Customers. This activity was reprised after witnessing the passion of colleagues with AKAR activities held in 2020. This was the first time AKAR Online was organized with the Pekanbaru Branch, as well as the first event in 2021.
This time, the topic was Dyslipidemia Management During the Covid 19 Pandemic. AKAR Online cooperated with OGB principal Dexa Medica and was attended by a variety of professions, the majority of which were pharmacists.
Ms. Fanny Kiong, AAM's Customer Relations Manager, led the participants in product discussions and external training on the theme Abundance Mentality to Increase Sales. Participants were reminded to make successful sales during this training. "It's critical to develop an abundance mindset. Having the correct mindset, a grateful heart, and always doing tiny acts of kindness every day can help build this mindset," Ms. Fanny Kiong summarized the training session.
The event was entertaining and appealing, with participants providing favorable feedback and impressions. The participants expect that AKAR Online events will continue to be held on a regular basis with materials that will expand their knowledge and be directly applicable in their profession.
AKAR's operations in Padang, Jakarta, and Surabaya will continue.