“Once an underachiever, Now a Big Winner”
On Monday, January 17th, 2011, Anugrah Argon Medica with Dharma Dexa organized Leader Sharing titled “Once an Underachiever, Now a Big Winner” with Mr. Shafie Shamsuddin acted as speaker. The event took place at Titan Center and was attended by approximately 200 employees of Dexa Medica Group.
On that event, Carrefour Indonesia was represented by Mr. Pamrihadi Wiraryo (HR Director Carrefour Indonesia). Meanwhile, Dexa Medica Group was represented by Mrs. Gloria Haslim (leader of Dharma Dexa), Mr. V. Hery Sutanto (Director of Operations and Finance), and Mr. Budi Guna Halim (HR Manager).
The event was opened by Mr. V. Hery Sutanto as the moderator by reading brief history of Mr. Shafie’s life journey. Shafie Shamsuddin known as the key behind Carrefour’s success in South East Asia, including Indonesia. Now, he serves as Head of Corporate Executive (CEO) of Carrefour Indonesia, which oversees of 11 thousands employees. This Singaporean is the first Asian who occupies the position in the world class retail company.
Mr. Shafie told that his career started at Carrefour from management trainee as a floor cleaner (atau lebih enak “office boy”?). He was the first Asian to reach the top position as CEO of Carrefour (kok diulang ya?). He explained that there are three principles he holds through his career, by working hard, accepting of his own reality, and making people around him happy.
Working Hard
Mr. Shafie explained that his first principle, working hard, holds 80% of a success. “No magic words or special advice. I’m sorry, friends. There is no short cut, just hard work”, said Mr. Shafie with broad smile on his face and immediately greeted with a rousing by the sharing’s participants.
Accepting of His Own Reality
This principle means that by accepting the existing situation on ourselves with all our shortcomings and advantages, it will motivate us to do better.
Then, Mr. Shafie explained that who we are at the moment is defined by what we have done in the past (today is yesterday) and what makes us the next day is act and decision we make today (tomorrow is today) by identifying our strengths.
Making People Happy
The third principle is to make the people around us happy. On this principle, Mr Shafie explained, “Always try to make people around me happy if they are happy, then there will be more prayers they gave to us”.
In this principle, Mr. Shafie gave examples of how he pleases superiors and subordinates, in particular. We also need to give our values to others. Give happiness to all those around us. It is not impossible, in a manner as that, “luck” will come to us. Their prayer, added Mr. Shafi, will bring “fate” (good luck) for us.
So many messages to be conveyed by Mr. Shafie Shamsuddin (CEO of Carrefour Indonesia) in this Leader Sharing titled “Once an Underachiever, Now a Big Winner” (diulang lagi?). In this sharing, he suggested that to achieve success, we need challenges. However, we have to go through the process to succeed, and not just by looking at the success of the results that has been achieved.